As per previous statement, you have already determined your stage where you are. Hope you hear about low calorie diet as low-calorie diet will normally be the backbone of any effective fat loss intrusion.


This very easy to reduce your calorie which your intake into your body compare to you burn the calorie in different physical activities. Calorie intake shall be reduced then you have to spend less time on physical activities. If your intake more calorie into your body then you have to perform more physical activities. For example, McDonald’s Big Mac[219g] contains 563 calories. For standard weight person, it will take almost 3 hours on the Treadmill to burn those calories…Read more


For instance, let me assume that you have lost almost 20 pound of body fat after maintaining your diet plan over couple of months. If you are habituating in low calorie diet then your metabolism system will adjust its function and your hormone level will significantly down level…


For this case your body is actually in starvation mode and you always feel that you possess no energy, always in sick mode and your body is so much greedy for nutrition which it was really deprived from last couple of months…Read more


There are couple of solutions are available, best of the beneficial process is to build up muscle and this is the easiest process to burn your fat. This process is more sustainable that another process. The first step is very simple just calculate the energy how much you want it. Then build your muscle. So why we build muscle? The answer is so simple…Read more


There are several ways to build your muscle. Most of them are very much complex ways and too hard to follow and the easiest way is to deal with protein. It is very important that you have to collect protein in different ways for your body to build your muscle. You need sufficient protein to builds your muscle. Without sufficient intake of protein, you can’t build your muscle. Sufficient protein intake shall be confirmed to build your muscle…Read more



You get your protein in many ways. Such type of solution has been demonstrated here. Find below points to collect the protein fast-



Snacks are a decent way to get extra protein into your valuable diet as long as you pick healthy ones. There are many common snack foods, such as Chips, crackers, and pretzels contain protein. For instance, a One-cup (30-gram) of plain Tortilla Chips contains 142 calories having 2 grams of protein. On the other hand, a 1-ounce (28-gram) of Cheddar Cheese contains 7 grams of protein, along with nearly 30 calories & 6 times as much calcium…Read more


Your gut health is important as you digest and absorb nutrients through the gut. Probiotics are very important to maintain gut health. Probiotics are actually bacteria. Don’t afraid hearing about bacteria. All bacteria are not harmful. 95% of bacteria are no harmful and only 5% bacteria are pathogenic as well as harmful for human. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help the gut function appropriately.

Your gut also contains bad bacteria as well as good bacteria. There is a healthy balance here in normal condition. If this balance disrupts then gut can’t function properly. If the ration of good and bad bacteria imbalances then it causes illness. So, a healthy balance [Good and Bad Bactria] is essential for your actual gut functionality.

Your healthy digestive system[gut] should have a healthy balance almost 85% of Good Bacteria and 15% of Bad bacteria. When this balance disrupts then the bad bacteria cause various digestive disorder such as IBS [Irritable Bowel Syndrome], constipation, diarrhea or and other related health difficulties…Read more


Weight loss is not mandatory to every health solution but if your doctor suggests then there are various tips to help you lose weight carefully. Lose 1 to 2 pounds per week is recommended for the most effective long-term weight management considered as steady weight loss plan.

Everyone is different in terms of food habit and different eating styles and some tips may work better for you than someone else based on their health conditions due to physically & also in mentally we different from each one. Low carb diet or a diet that has a focus on whole foods may help you to lose your weight but there are some general tips which can help to lose your weight fast…Read more


If you want to lose weight quickly then one way can help you most is to cut back on carbohydrates, sugars and starches or it shall be reducing refined carbs or low carb eating plan and replacing it with Whole Grains foods.

 If you able to do that, your hunger levels go down, and you typically end up eating less calories.  A trusted study ensures that a very Low Carbohydrate Diet was advantageous to lose weight in senior population. Research also recommends that a Low Carb Diet also reduce appetite, which guide to naturally eating fewer calories without feeling hungry at all…Read more


Good Carbs VS Bad Carbs


Having America’s chronic weight problem, there are no definite answers. Scientific studies often reach conflicting conclusions, meaning many theories are out there, but the preponderance of evidence points to the two causes most people already suspect: too much food and too little exercise…Read more


Unhealthy eating is the biggest driver of big bellies. Too many starchy carbohydrates and bad fats are a recipe for that midsection to expand. Instead, get plenty of veggies, choose lean proteins, and stay away from fats from red meats. Choose healthier fats in things like fish, nuts, and avocados…Read more


A recent study published in nature medicine of 52,000 women & men, the largest its kind in human, there found that there is a common factor in every overweight woman and man. Low Brown Adipose Tissue Level. They found in every skinny person contains High Brown Adipose Tissue Level.  

Brown Adipose Tissue[BAT] is also known as brown fat. It is not fat actually; it acts as fat shrinker not fat storer. Its brown color comes from its densely packed iron enriched mitochondria which work to 24 hours a day to burn your calories from fat stores. It can burn up to 300 times more calories than any other cell in the body. 

If you level up Brown Adipose Tissue[BAT] then calorie consumption will high and fat will start burn…Read more


First of all, the most and best naturally recommended is take more protein. Protein is considered the ruler of all nutrients. This is really good to know that your body burn calories while digesting and metabolizing the protein that you already intake at your body. So, a high protein diet requires more calories to burn it. A high protein diet can enhancement metabolism by up to 80–100 calories each day…Read more


First of all, the most and best naturally recommended is take more protein. Protein is considered the ruler of all nutrients. This is really good to know that your body burn calories while digesting and metabolizing the protein that you already intake at your body. So, a high protein diet requires more calories to burn it. A high protein diet can enhancement metabolism by up to 80–100 calories each day…Read more


One of the best methods is to intake single ingredient foods which will make you healthier. If you do the same you are going to eliminated unnecessary added sugar, added fat and excessive process food. Most of the whole foods are natural source so they are very much filling for you maintain a healthy calorie limits.  

Eating whole foods also provides various type of nutrients which is very much essential for body to function it properly. Eating whole foods create Weight loss as natural side effect…Read more


Do you know? You are eating almost 15 teaspoons of added sugar each day. Probably you are saying that I am not of them. No, you are one of them. A recent study has proved that a healthy Americans are taking almost 15 teaspoons of added sugar each day without even realizing it. Most of the amount is usually hidden on various process foods.



Taking a lot of sugar, you’re going to linked with the word famous various type of diseases such as Cancer [Died 6.235 million,2020], Overweight and obesity [Died 2.8 million, 2020], cardiovascular disease [Died 6.97 million,2020], Diabetes [Died 1.5 million,2020], Liver Disease [Died 2 million,2020]…Read more


Drink water, this the best way to lose weight first. How it works? Drinking water can really lose your weight. Try to drink at least 1 Liter [34 oz] increase the calory burn up to 48 to 60% for every two hours.

Make a routine practice to Drink Water before your meal which will lead to reduce calorie intake, additionally it replaces various type of beverages having significant amount of added sugar and unnecessary extra caloriesRead more


Most of the people well known that coffee is beneficial for health as it contains antioxidants with various type of beneficial compounds. It greatly supports in weight loss by boosting your energy level and facilitated calorie burning. It’s proven that caffeine containing coffee increase metabolism almost 3 to 11% and also reduce your risk to develop diabetes [Type II] at least 23 to 50%.

The best choice is the black coffee which contains no calories but you feel that you are almost full with it. Please note that you can’t add any type of sugar with itRead more


People are generally kept food at home as per their food habit which also effect their weight. Buy always unhealthy foods you create the health hazard to you and your family member and vice-versa.

There are also many healthy and natural snacks that are easy to prepare and take with you on the go. These include nuts, carrots, yogurt, eggs, mango, Broccoli, Beets, Spinach, Kale, Peanut butter, Almonds, Berries, Winter Squash, Beans, Lentils, Flaxseed, Salmon, Cheese, Oatmeal, Avocado etcRead more



Processed foods are frequently added fats, sugars, and extra calories. It generally made such a way that you can take it as much as you can. They typically create to produce artificial addictive effect than unprocessed foods so that you can consume it day after day and feel it more deliciousRead more


A weight loss pill may be the best solution for you and that has been proven to work with physiological system. Among of the weight loss pill, Glucomannan is recommended as it has the verified activity. It is also known as elephant yam which is come from the roots of the konjac plant.

It is very much water soluble, dietary fiber contains low calories takes up larger space in the stomach and delays the stomach emptying time. It feeds the beneficial gut bacteria and reduces the absorption of protein and fat. It is very much effective in weight lose able to make one glass of water into gelRead more


Sugary soft drinks, fruit juices, chocolate milk and energy drinks etc. are come from beverages is the rich source of Liquid calories. It’s considered the bad for the health as its increase the risk of obesity. If you serve sugar-sweetened beverage regularly to your children then your children are going fall in the trap of obesity more than 60%.


Frequently drinking sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with different health hazard like~

[]Weight gain


[]Type 2 diabetes

[]Heart disease

[]Kidney diseases

[]Non-alcoholic liver disease

[]Tooth decay and cavities



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When partial nutrients and fiber are removed from car than it called refined carb. It increases the process of digesting. It is the best choice for the individual who are suffering from digestive problem. One thing to be our mind that you have take limited amount refined carb. The main source of refined carbs are white rice, sodas, pastries, white flour, white bread, snacks, sweets, pasta, breakfast cereals etc. There are numerous benefits for refined car such as

[]Best Nutrient for Athletes

[]Energy for the Body

[]Uplifts Mood

[]Helps to Sleep Better

[]Improves the Digestive System

[]Prevents Blood Clots

[]Helps to Prevent Diseases

[]Enjoy Healthier Skin

[]Provides Fiber to the Body

[]Helps to Keep Memory Sharp

[]Reduced the Risk of cancer

[]Useful to Control Weight


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Fruits & Vegetables are awfully healthy, weight-loss-friendly foods. They usually have very low energy density & high in water, nutrients and fiber. So, it is very much possible to consume large servings without consuming many calories.

Various type of trusted studies has shown that people who take various type of fruits and vegetable they able to weight loss fast. There are some health benefits of Fruits & vegetablesRead more


When you use a smaller plate that helps you to eat less due to it change your portion size or directly impact on quantity of the food. Generally, you can’t take large amount of food in a small platter. This is actually work as the part of your diet plan.

In one experiment, conducted by Koert van Ittersum from the Georgia Institute of Technology and Brian Wansink from Cornell University it was discovered that a shift from 12-inch plates to 10-inch plates resulted in a 22% lessening in caloriesRead more



Green tea is loaded with antioxidants which considered as the natural beverage. It facilitates fat burning and weight loss. Green tea increase energy expenditure almost 4% and accelerate fat burn up to 17% predominately in bad belly fat. There are several types of green tea are available, Matcha green tea is one of the them which lose weight effectivelyRead more


Every step is important when you are trying to lose your weight. There are numerous ways to do that including count calories of your daily food. Take every single picture what you eat. You can use app or spreadsheet to count your everyday calorie intake or you can write a personal diary to note down your every step if you are serious about your weight loss planRead more



Low-carb diets are very effective for weight loss due to it has proven by many trusted studies. Eating more fat and protein and limiting carbs reduces your appetite remarkably and assist you eat fewer calories. Research suggest that Low carb diet is more than 3 times better than low fat diet.


[]Reduce Your

[]Weight Loss at First

[]Reduce abdominal fat

[]Decrees risk of heart disease [Reduce blood triglycerides]

[]Reduce bad cholesterol

[]Reduced Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels

[]Lower Blood Pressure

[]Protects your brain


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Always try to eat slowly due to if you eat too fast you are going to eat more calories than usual. Your body can’t realize that you are full. Too fast eating effect on your food digestion. Essential enzyme is not properly incorporated with your food for fast eating. Faster eaters are more likely to develop obesity due to they consume much calorie at a time. Chewing more slowly can reduce your calorie consumption.


[]Raise your blood pressure

[]Affect individual mood

[]Choking Hazard Develop
[]Diabetes Lead to weight gain

[]Increase Cholesterol level

[]Leave you bloated

[]Increase Digestive problems

[]Metabolic Syndrome

[]Raise Gastritis Problem

[]Increase the risk of Obesity


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Eggs can be added to your weight loss plan. Egg very much cheapbut its are enriched with protein, different type nutrients. Egg considered the high protein [4 eggs contain 100g of protein] food reduce appetite and increase fullness. Add eggs to your breakfast, it will increase almost 67% more weight loss at a period of 8 weeks. Eggs can help to eat less calories all the day. There is numerous health benefit to add eggs at your regular diet plan.

[]Regular Egg eating benefits

[]Boosts brain power

[]Clear acne

[]Encourage hair growth

[]Protect eye sight

[]Healthy pregnancy

[]Improves mood

[]Lower the risk of cancer

[]Provide best quality protein

[]Muscle building

[]Protects bones


Read more




To prevent weight loss & future weight gain, getting enough sleep is incredibly important. Proper sleep is very important due to various studies have shown that sleep-deprived people are up to 55% more likely to develop obesity & unfortunately this number is higher for our children. There are numerous problems arise for practicing shot time sleep. At least 7 to 9 hours sleep at night is required for a healthy individual.

There are many who cannot sleep properly at night; After some time, they wake up, which can sometimes irritate their partner; It is not right to think that you will annoy your partner after a while and he will be happy; You can avoid this problem by using melatonin. Your partner will start love you for being peaceful in bed rather than tossing & turning all night long.

Research shows that a type of substance called melatonin is responsible for our sleep; Melatonin acts on receptors in the body to promote sleep; Those who lack melatonin may have sleep problems; Taking Melatonin increases the body’s natural supply of the hormone, which can help you fall asleep faster and improve sleep qualityRead more


A Fiber Rich Food may be the proper option for weight loss effectively. Especially water-soluble fiber containing is the best option to serve this purpose due to it increase the feeling of fullness. Fiber delay stomach emptying time. Many types of bacteria can feed the gut friendly bacteria which has effective link to reduce risk of obesity…Read more



American Dental Association suggests to be safe, if you feel like you need to brush your teeth after eating or drinking something, wait at almost 60 minutes. This gives your saliva a chance to naturally wash away food particles, so your mouth returns to its proper pH level then brush up your teeth.


A regular brush after eating may help to limit the desire to grab an unnecessary snack. By brushing your teeth, you may get rid of several types of teeth problem. Plus, it can make food taste bad. Use a good quality paste or mouthwash after eating which will create less temptation to grab your favorite snacks. You may use Oral Probiotics for Health of your Teeth & Gums; also help to remove bad breath of your mouth…Read more


You can’t resist yourself to eat certain types of foods due to its already changes your brain chemistry and you are going to take it at any cost is called food addiction. This is the major cause of overeating for a significant percentage of people. Almost 20% of people are addicted to special type of food, especially in sugary foods which highly processed junk foods…Read more



There are different ways of doing cardio-whether it is running, cycling, jogging, power walking, hiking etc. .is a great way to burn calories and expand both mental & physical health. Cardio particularly reduces belly fat which builds up around different organ and cause various type of metabolic diseases. It helps to reduce body weight and also reduce risk factor of heart disease…Read more

Why  You  arent Losing  Fat?

There are various reasons why you are not losing fat, so let’s see what are the reasons why you are not losing fat-

FAT BURNER~This really difficult to burn your fat with exercise and without any change of your diet plan. A reliable natural supplement can help to burn your fat. Maintaining of healthy diet with regular exercise with natural fat burner can help you to lose your fat predominately.

 LACK OF PROTEIN~Without thinking anything we are talking high carb food every day; at a certain period of time, we are storing more and more fat in our body then we think that Why I am so Fat other are not?

Taking a lot of high carbs food, you are going to store more calorie in your body; naturally higher carb intake can cause you to store more water on the other side protein require more water to digest and it can help you to remove fluid from your body.

HIGH CALORIE FOOD~Most of the people who are struggling with overweight and their internal body organ are encounter with huge fat simply they are eating too much calorie in each day. Calorie is needed for your body function but excess calorie is storing your body day by day and you’re going to store more and more fat. You may think that I am not of them but keep in mind that studies shown that most of the people can’t realize that they are eating more calories that they think.

Have you calculate ever that how much calorie your eating every day or how much calorie you should eat. If your body weight is 75 kilos then your calorie intake shall be as follows-

~75 kilos x 25 calories = 1,875 calories a day.

Read more


They are many people that they are complaining about their slow metabolism and they are barely eat anything but gaining weight day by day. And some people are proudly introducing themselves that they can eat anything even large portion of junk food [hot chips, burgers, pizzas, processed meat, cakes and biscuits etc.] but they never gain weight. What is the mystery behind this? This answer is simple. Its metabolism rates.


Laura Burak MS, RD, CDN, USA Speaks, “If the metabolic rate is low, a variety of physical problems such as weight gain, digestive problems, weakness, etc. appear. So, it is necessary to pay attention to the metabolic rate to stay healthy.”…Read more



There are many possible weight loss solutions are available around us which is the best solution for everyone. Some selections are more popular than others, including certain drugs, pills, and natural supplements respectively. These claim to help you to lose weight, or at least to make it easier to lose weight when you combine them with other supportive procedure.


They incline to work via one or more of these mechanisms depicted here:

Reducing appetite, making you feel fuller so that you eat fewer calories than regular.

Reducing absorption of nutrients such as fat, making you take in fewer calories in everyday life.

Increasing fat burning, making you burn more calories each day…Read more


How it works: Animal studies show that it can inhibit a fat-producing enzyme in the body, leading to less body fat production and less amount of fat gets stored after a certain period of time the amount of fat is completely reduced and only essential fat remains in small amount…Read more


How it works: There are two active ingredients in green coffee bean extract such as caffeine & chlorogenic acid. Caffeine is a well-known, well-researched and reliable metabolism & energy booster. When these two ingredients [Caffeine & Chlorogenic acid] present then it can act better than caffeine (or regular coffee) alone…Read more


How it works: Many studies have shown that green tea extract can promote weight loss, disease prevention, blood sugar regulation, and exercise recovery. It can also help to reduce blood fat levels, keep your skin and liver healthy, improve brain health and regulate blood pressure…Read more


How it works: Glucomannan can absorbs water becomes gel-like material. It “sits” at your gut and promotes a feeling of fullness, helping you eat fewer calories.

A recent successful train has been shown that taking glucomannan for 60 days could lower body weight among participants with overweight. There is a little condition that you have to consume it [Glucomannan] regularly without discontinuation…Read more


How it works: Probiotics help keep our gut healthy. Everything we eat is absorbed through our gut and our body’s nutritional status is maintained. All prebiotics are a type of bacteria. The bacteria used in probiotic preparations are not harmful bacteria but beneficial bacteria for our body. 95% of bacteria are beneficial to our body only 5% are harmful to us…Read more


As the body builds lean muscle mass and slowly increases, the body consumes more calories, resulting in a leaner and lighter body. For years, athletes and sportspersons have used none other than Creatinine to gain an edge in their performance to gain strength, size and muscle and improve exercise capacity. Creatine is usually found in muscle cells that help your muscles generate explosive power during exercise…Read more


In a simple word, we can say that if you able to increase metabolism then you will able to burn more calories from your body. More metabolism more energy loss or more calorie loss. The faster your metabolism, the more calories you burn during your daily activities…Read more


Many people are using diet plans these days and they are benefiting a lot; However, it is important to remember that you must select the right diet plan that has the option to select more foods. The diet plan will work as long as you follow it well; You have to observe it according to the prescribed rules only then you can expect good things…Read more

Why  is  personal care important?

Personal care helps maintain a person’s health, dignity,and wellbeing. Good hygiene and personal care decrease the risk of infection
and illness, it can also prevent earlier conditions from getting worse. For example, many elderly people suffer from skin conditions that will become much worse without daily moisturizing or treatment creams/lotion/ointment etc……Read more


Many of use are engaging in different screen due to our mode of activities. People are rarely found who are not using screen. Depends on our activities Eye doctors have suggest to follow 20-20-20 rule; every 20 minutes you spend on screen, you must look to try something away at least 20 feet for 20 seconds. Many researchers have suggested any break from screen work can be beneficial for eye health.

Prolong use of digital screen can cause different symptoms like dry eyes or blurred vision and headaches etc. A computer glasses may be the best solution for these purposes. This can help you to symptoms associated with digital eye strain known as computer vision syndrome…Read more


Heavy to moderate user who are using laptop or tablets for different activities should be aware about their shoulder and neck. A simple laptop stand is a good investment which can fulfill your demand.

This is very important to maintain your posture. After a certain period of time, you may trap into Neck and back pain which will gradually increase day by day. A laptop stand can maintain your proper posture due to its design.

If you trap in back pain then back pain reliever can help you…Read more


There is always a kind of indifference to manicure and pedicure; Maybe due to lack of time or we don’t know much about it. If we try to know a little, we will see how our nails of hands and feet are getting damaged due to lack of manicure and pedicure; They are getting destroyed day by day especially due to the attack of fungi along with the attack of different types of diseases…Read more


A common cause of headache is dehydration. If you get headache the grab water in place of conventional painkiller. Consume two glasses of water, it will stop your headache rapidly. This process will help you to know the actual cause of your headache. A beautiful mineral water bottle at your backpack will help you most.

Long-term painkiller use lead to serious cardiovascular issues, heart disease & heart attacks. Cause Stomach & intestinal issues such as abdominal distention, constipation, bloating, hemorrhoids & bowel obstructions…Read more



Oral health defines the health of teeth, gums, & oral-facial system which allow us a beautiful smile, speak and chew, bite, and swallow.

Most of the Doctor highly recommends dental exams & cleaning at least twice a year to ensure good oral health. This is already proved by the several studies that untreated oral diseases may increase the risk of adverse health conditions. Maintain the oral health is very important for your better health and well-being…Read more


Be aware of Hair! We lost our hair just not take care at right time. Hair care is important not only for our appearance but also for our overall hygiene. Healthy hair is important for everyone; Just a full head of hair can multiply your personality.

We understand the importance of hair when you see a lack of hair on your head while the man standing next to you has a full head of hair and in front of you is repeatedly fixing his hair. It just so happens that he is doing this to show you off. Alas! Then there is nothing to do but regret. This problem is usually more common in people aged forty or older, but nowadays it can happen in the thirties as well…Read more


There are many steps you can take to increase your libido, including practicing stress-relief techniques, trying natural aphrodisiacs, adjusting your diet and lifestyle & better treatment. To concentrate to deep romance & to increase intimacy of your partner you have to take right steps.

Naturally, libido or sex drive, varies between individuals. Many people may have a low sex drive but if you want to increase your libido, then you have to try a range of effective methods. Health concerns, relationship difficulties, anxiety, and age can affect libido. Low libido can sometimes cause problems, affecting a person’s relationships and self-esteem…Read more


Did you know? The word Libido come from Latin mean “Desire, Lust“, was borrowed by Sigmund Freud [1856- 1939, Austrian Neurologist & founder of Psychoanalysis] for a concept in his own theories. For the first time he defined libido to mean instinctual energy associated with sex drive. Sexual desire or the sex drive can be defined as libido…Read more

erectile dysfunction


Relationship problems. stress, anxiety or depression. Sexual problems like erectile dysfunction, orgasm intensity, hormonal imbalance, lack of physical strength, premature ejaculation, lack of attraction, appearance etc. Pregnancy and having a baby-your hormone levels change when you’re pregnant, and looking after a baby can be stressful and tiring…Read more

How  to  Increase  Libido  in  Natural Way?

This article depicts some of the best ways that males and females can increase their libido using different type of foods.

TRY EATING CERTAIN FRUITS~Certain type of foods can increase your libido remarkably such as Watermelon, Peach, Pineapple, Figs, bananas, and avocados, are libido-boosting foods, or aphrodisiacs. All these types of foods provide important vitamins and minerals as well as increase blood flow to your genital parts and promote libido.

A creamy banana milkshake or a smoothie and add some nuts and seeds, this mixer will boost your stamina. As the milk and banana both are aphrodisiac and boost you sex drive remarkably and help you to last longer in bed. Bananas contains bromelain which help to increase your libido…Read more


It is the supplement contain different types natural occurring herbs with no chemical ingredients such as Damiana, Epimedium Leaf Extract, Asian Red Ginseng, Muira Puama Root Extract, Hawthorn Berry, Catuaba Bark Extract, Ginkgo Biloba & Bioperine.

All of the ingredients are naturally collected and potent aphrodisiacs and supposed to work most of the cases except some variation. It introduces since 2007 and sold over 1.2 million Boxes. Sales report says its great to its user…Read more


Probably you are suffering from Erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE). Don’t worry! Most people even don’t know they are suffering from it. More than half of the men between the age of 40 and 70 experienced different form of Erectile dysfunction. It shows it activity such as Trouble getting an erection, Trouble keeping an erection & reduced sexual desire…Read more

Low  Sex  Drive  in  Women-A Real-Life  Case  Study

Low sex drive! Somewhere in Florida!

I and Alice are longtime friend spend so much time since my childhood, now we are almost 23. When I left Florida for New York then our connection gets loose, last December I back to pavilion. After that I found her a little bit different since last meet about 9 months ago.

I was the student of Geography and Alice was Astrophysics. I never try to understand about Astrophysics. Our main discussion topics was daily lifestyle most in the time, a rare case to subject matters. And now, I feel something different in Alice, maybe it’s about her boyfriend.

Since it begins, Alice is little bit low sex drive, but her boyfriend is almost different, why this happened? I never feel this type of issue before due to I have No Boyfriend; Very much happy with me. I didn’t declare myself high sex drive; I never tested also! Anyway, for this issue I and Alice, try to find out a solution but never fruitful.

Today we decided to go a clinic after a longtime discussion between me and Alice. Today is the that day, we are going to meet a Mayo Clinic expert, Stephanie S. Faubion, Female sexual dysfunction, Low sex drive in women specialist…Read more

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