Importance of Manicure and Pedicure

There is always a kind of indifference to manicure and pedicure; Maybe due to lack of time or we don’t know much about it. If we try to know a little, we will see how our nails of hands and feet are getting damaged due to lack of manicure and pedicure; They are getting destroyed […]

There is always a kind of indifference to manicure and pedicure; Maybe due to lack of time or we don’t know much about it. If we try to know a little, we will see how our nails of hands and feet are getting damaged due to lack of manicure and pedicure; They are getting destroyed day by day especially due to the attack of fungi along with the attack of different types of diseases.


We can see this situation in two parts.

[]What happens to nails when fungi attack them?
[]How do I know if the fungus has attacked my nail?


Though a natural, non-GMO solution that fights the root cause of toenail fungus, athlete’s foot and any other diseases caused by fungi overgrowth may be the best solution for everyone.



What happens to nails when fungi attack them?

Fungus can attack any part of your body and they can attack your hands and feet also. Fungal infections are not known in the early stages. It increases with time then at some point it becomes visible. Fungal infections can lead to various types of infections, among which the following infections are particularly notable


Proximal Subungual Infection

This can happen to fingernails and toenails. The infection causes a yellow spot at the base of the nail that slowly spreads. These infections are usually more likely to occur in people with compromised immune systems. There may also be happen when they get minor injuries to the nails.


Distal Subungual Infection

This is the most common type of fungal nail infection. It can develop in both fingernails and toenails. All the nails that have this can have white or yellow spots. It usually occurs in the lower part of the nails so it is not easily seen.


Candida Infection

The responsibility goes to Candida yeasts. It may be more common in those whose nails are already infected or injured. It usually occurs in people who frequently wet their hands with water or who frequently wash their hands.


White Superficial Infection

It usually affects the toenails. A certain fungus attacks the top layer of the nail causing white spots. Gradually these white patches cover the whole nail, which becomes rough, soft and prone to breakage.

At times, the spots on the nails can become patchy and flaky. The beauty of your nails starts to deteriorate slowly. At some point it is completely destroyed.



How do I know if the fungus has attacked my nail?

As the above-mentioned symptoms are visible, you can easily understand that the fungus has attacked your nails and you need to use a good quality fungicide immediately or you will lose your nails soon.


One study found that 3 to 12% of people in America have a toe fungal problem. The most interesting thing is that many do not know that they have this problem. Many times, it is seen that when we take off our socks a bad smell hits our nose and we wonder how it came, it can’t be.


There is no problem if no one is around but if we are in a party or among people then the situation can be different. Your smelly toenails can cause frustration, insecurity and discomfort to others, and it can make your personality unattractive to others.


Sometimes a bad smell from your nails can cause social problems and even lead to social isolation that you never imagined. This is because people will not want to be physically around you if the situation is such that your toenail odor is getting worse day by day and you can’t or don’t make any effort to get rid of it.

Smelly toenails are a different kind of problem that is a bit more difficult and time consuming to treat. Toenail fungus is a common cause of smelly toenails, and it usually takes a long time for the fungus to build up in the toenail before the toenail starts to smell.


Smelly toenails are one of the many symptoms of toenail fungus. Symptoms begin to appear gradually and usually include changes in nail texture and color. In the initial stage, the nail color changes and gradually starts to vary in color, often yellow, brown, white or black.


After a while your nails start to break apart and can also cause severe pain. To So to avoid any annoying situation use a good quality natural fungus preparation that can act early against the fungus and take care of your nails and skin.

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