Health Benefits of Probiotics

Your gut health is important as you digest and absorb nutrients through the gut. Probiotics are very important to maintain gut health. Probiotics are actually bacteria. Don’t afraid hearing about bacteria. All bacteria are not harmful. 95% of bacteria are no harmful and only 5% bacteria are pathogenic as well as harmful for human. Probiotics […]

Your gut health is important as you digest and absorb nutrients through the gut. Probiotics are very important to maintain gut health. Probiotics are actually bacteria. Don’t afraid hearing about bacteria. All bacteria are not harmful. 95% of bacteria are no harmful and only 5% bacteria are pathogenic as well as harmful for human. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help the gut function appropriately.


Your gut also contains bad bacteria as well as good bacteria. There is a healthy balance here in normal condition. If this balance disrupts then gut can’t function properly. If the ration of good and bad bacteria imbalances then it causes illness. So, a healthy balance [Good and Bad Bactria] is essential for your actual gut functionality.



Your healthy digestive system[gut] should have a healthy balance almost 85% of Good Bacteria and 15% of Bad bacteria. When this balance disrupts then the bad bacteria cause various digestive disorder such as IBS [Irritable Bowel Syndrome], constipation, diarrhea or and other related health difficulties.


If you fall in bacterial imbalances in gut then it can lead to nutrient deficiency even if we consume balance diet and appropriate supplements enriched with different vitamins and other nutrients. Various research shows that supplements contain probiotics help to develop

[]Healthy immune function
[]Inflammation regulation
[]Proper brain health and
[]Weight management
[]Lower cholesterol
[]Treat kidney stones



Interesting Facts About Probiotics

Almost 70% of our immune system depends on our gut. Probiotics increase healthy gut activity. Probiotics is our external brain. A typical human brain is almost 3 pounds and a healthy human body contain over 3.5 pound of probiotic bacteria and organisms. In 8 of 10 healthy adults possesses digestive issue and they always buy a digestive health product.


Between 60 and 70 million Americans are affected by digestive problems. USA invested more than 2 billion in digestive health supplements in 2014. Our digestive system contains almost 500plus microorganism where most of them are beneficial for human health known as probiotics.


Almost 10% energy derived from byproducts of good bacteria in our gut. It’s good to know that there are Ten times more microorganism than human cells in the body [10 trillion microorganisms vs 10 billion human cells in the body].

A best Probiotics can Boost Immune System, Stop Painful Digestive Problems, help in weight loss.

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