How Can I Improve My Sexual Performance?

Probably you are suffering from Erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE). Don’t worry! Most people even don’t know they are suffering from it. More than half of the men between the age of 40 and 70 experienced different form of Erectile dysfunction. It shows it activity such as Trouble getting an erection, Trouble keeping […]

Probably you are suffering from Erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE). Don’t worry! Most people even don’t know they are suffering from it. More than half of the men between the age of 40 and 70 experienced different form of Erectile dysfunction. It shows it activity such as Trouble getting an erection, Trouble keeping an erection & reduced sexual desire.



Premature ejaculation (PE) & Erectile dysfunction (ED) are relatively common. There are several prescription medications as well as over-the-counter (OTC) are available to do the same. Among those VigRX Plus is well known to all. It’s OTC drug and doesn’t require any prescription. It’s confirm that it provides harder erections with prolong action and increase stamina with evidence.


What is VigRX Plus?

It is the supplement contain different types natural occurring herbs with no chemical ingredients such as Damiana, Epimedium Leaf Extract, Asian Red Ginseng, Muira Puama Root Extract, Hawthorn Berry, Catuaba Bark Extract, Ginkgo Biloba & Bioperine.


All of the ingredients are naturally collected and potent aphrodisiacs and supposed to work most of the cases except some variation. It introduces since 2007 and sold over 1.2 million Boxes. Sales report says its great to its user.


This supplement remarkably works for the person who are experienced with Premature Ejaculation (PE), Erectile Dysfunction (ED), lack of stamina and low libido.

VigRX Plus is trusted worldwide as its complete its clinical study report. The report is positive and results are available on their 56 pages clinical study report, summary of the report has been depicted on their website.


VigRX Plus improve sexual performance by the help of its herbal ingredients which increase sex hormone [Testosterone] production, increase blood circulation & libido.


What is the Function of VigRX Plus ingredients


It found predominantly in Central & south America, West Indies and Mexico. Damiana is a low-growing plant with fragrant leaves and yellow flowers. The stem and leaf of Damiana is used to make medicine. It has the ancient history of using as of medicine since Mayans. It is aphrodisiac and used to increase sexual desire.

It also uses to treat depression, headache, bedwetting, constipation and nervous stomach. Also use to boosting and maintaining physical & mental stamina. Damiana promotes oxygen supply, increases blood flow and nerve impulses to penis.


Asian Red Ginseng

Asian ginseng is an antioxidant which help to get rid of the body from free radicals. Free radicals are responsible to damage DNA and cause diabetes, heart disease etc. Asian ginseng can improve the symptoms of heart disease.


It also uses to strengthen the immune system and fight against stress and disease. Various type of ginseng found in the word. Predominately, Asian ginseng is used to treat male erectile dysfunction, unclear thinking & diabetes.

Long ago, back in 3500 BC China’s Emperor, Shen-Nung consider ginseng as aphrodisiac at first time. Also, the Emperor express his noted about Ginseng as he got “warm and sexually pleasurable feeling’’ when take it. Shen-Nung is well known as ‘’ the father of Chinese medicine’’.


Muira Pauma Extract

Muira puama is remarkably found in Amazon region known as “Viagra of the Amazon’’. Its wood and root are used to make medicine. Various type issues of healthy individual can be solve with it such as menstrual disorders, sexual disorders, increasing sexual desire in healthy individual, joint pain etc. Muira Pauma is also known as the “Erection Root’’ and this extract has been used by tribes in Brazil for its aphrodisiac qualities for thousands of years.


A study was conducted by Dr. Jacques Waynberg in 1994 in 262 men suffering from various type of sexual disorder. After two weeks of use, 62% men report that the Extract provides a “dynamic effect”. 51% of them said the extract was beneficial for libido and desire.


Another study was conducted with 202 women with Muira Puama. 65% report that this herb shows improvements in sexual desire and satisfaction after one month of use. So both of the study exhibits that Muira Puama has the positive effect on libido both men and women.



Hawthorn Berry

There are numerous benefits of Hawthorn berries. It used to help against high cholesterol level, heart disease, control high blood pressure. Several studies both in animal and human shows that it lowers blood pressure, increases coronary artery blood flow and improves blood circulation.


It has also contribution in sexual health. Hawthorn berries are filled with bioflavonoids and antioxidants which help to stimulate blood flow to the penis and maintain prolong erections.


Health Benefits 

[]Relieve from constipation
[]Anti-aging effect
[]Increase cardiovascular health
[]Loaded with antioxidants
[]Chest Pain (Angina) and heart diseases
[]Reduce anxiety
[]Treat heart failure
[]Lower blood pressure
[]Reduce blood cholesterol levels
[]Treat insomnia
[]Reduce sore throat symptoms
[]Treat intestinal infection
[]Decreases muscle spasm
[]Aids menstrual problem
[]Reduces lactic acid
[]Protect from Erectile dysfunction



Catuaba Bark Extract

The bark of Catuaba used as medicine. Many people use catuaba for sexual arousal and accelerate performance, poor memory, agitation, and various other condition.

Like Damiana, Catuaba remarkably found in South America [Amazon forests of northern Brazil]. Most time its use there for increase sexual desire and appetite. One type of alkaloids catuabine A, B and C found on them and work on nervous system to encourage better sleep, eliminate nervousness & reduce fatigue as well as accelerate sexual function.


Key Benefits of Catuaba Bark Extract

[]Physical stress relieves
[]Neurological disorder
[]Cellulite Treatment
[]UV radiation protection
[]Treat Alzheimer
[]Control Arrhythmia
[]Neuropathic pain
[]Erectile dysfunction



Does VigRX Plus Really Work?

May be you already decided that you are going to place an order for VigRX Plus. May be you are right but there is a big question for you, Does VigRX Plus really work? There are several supplements to do the same activity but why VigRX Plus. Most of the supplements claim that they are best in the market and this is natural; everybody want to be great but there are no clinical or practical evidence for them just customers are recommended them and company is saying good and so on.



So, what is the magic that people are recommended and company claim ‘’ Bigger, Harder,
Longer Lasting Erections’’ strongly for VigRX Plus. Yes, there is an evidence for it. We have research their activities. VigRX Plus introduced in 2007 and they complete their clinical study on 08/05/2010, 56 pages long Clinical study report are available on their website.


Summary of Clinical Study Report

As per their website that they have completed clinical study and in 84 days that found the outstanding result as depicted here: It increase
[]Penetration ability 58.97%
[]Sexual and Intercourse Satisfaction 71.43%
[]Overall Sex Drive and Desire 47%
[]Ability to Maintain an Erection 62.82%
[]Frequency and Quality of Orgasms 22.49%
[]Overall Sexual Desire 61%


Above the result it can be say that the result is amazing and beneficial for erectile dysfunction. People who are suffering from ED can take it. All of the ingredients use here are natural and Aphrodisiac so it will be beneficial for sexual health.


Safety and Side Effects of VigRX Plus

A minor side effects has been reported such as temporarily headaches and insomnia may arise some individual but it may vary person to person. If you use blood thinner then avoid it. It may interact.

VigRX Plus is using since 2007 and we didn’t find any major Safety and side effects over the research period. It can consider as safe as its ingredients come from natural source and no chemical material is added here.


How Much Can VigRX Plus Cost to Buy?

Several types of packages are available for VigRX Plus; 1 month to 12 month and cost may reduce when take full package. Generally, each box contains one month supply and cost is about $90 and it may vary when you got at discounted price.


VigRX Plus Brand Reputation

This product is the part of Leading Edge Health Inc, an organization founded in 2002. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not been issued any warning letter for the company. The company [Leading Edge Health Inc] also accredited by the Better Business Bureau [BBB] and have an A+ rating within the organization.



What is the Alternative

There several prescription medicine available in the current market which is the alternative such as
[]Sildenafil (Viagra)
[]Avanafil (Stendra)
[]Tadalafil (Cialis)
[]Vardenafil (Levitra)


What is the side effects of Viagra?

The major side effects of Viagra are heart attack. Some people already experienced with it. Another is sudden vision loss [even permanent vision loss may occur] in one or both eyes, decreasing of hearing loss. Stoke may occur some cases and irregular heartbeats is the common problem for all and even death may occur after taking Viagra.


Side Effects can be Classified in Two Categories

Serious Side Effects

[]Hear attack
[]Chest pain or pressure
[]Seizure (convulsions)
[]Vision changes
[]Sudden vision loss
[]Cough with foamy mucus
[]Ringing in your ears
[]Sudden hearing loss
[]Irregular heartbeat
[]Pain spreading to your jaw or shoulder
[]Severe shortness of breath
[]Swelling in your hands, ankles, or feet


Common Side Effects

[]Muscle pain
[]Back pain
[]Changes in vision
[]Sleep problems
[]Blurred vision
[]Runny or stuffy nose
[]Abnormal vision
[]Upset stomach


Costing of Viagra

Viagra oral tablet 100 mg one month supply cost almost $2,467.76[30 Tablets, per unit $82.26] similar month supply of VigRX Plus is almost $90[30 Tablets, per unit $3]. So the Viagra is 27 times more costly than VigRX Plus. This is the best cause to choose VigRX Plus. Additionally, no major side effect is recorded for VigRX Plus.


What is Our Recommendation

We have collected data about various erectile dysfunction product and most of the them contains serious health hazard even cause death to the user but the herbal supplements VigRX Plus found safe for the use due to major health related issues didn’t find. Moreover, if you didn’t face any erectile dysfunction then you should not use them and if you want bring some extra spice at your life then you can use herbal supplements not other things due life is so precious. Enjoy your journey!!

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