Role of Metabolism on Weight Loss

They are many people that they are complaining about their slow metabolism and they are barely eat anything but gaining weight day by day. And some people are proudly introducing themselves that they can eat anything even large portion of junk food [hot chips, burgers, pizzas, processed meat, cakes and biscuits etc.] but they never […]

They are many people that they are complaining about their slow metabolism and they are barely eat anything but gaining weight day by day. And some people are proudly introducing themselves that they can eat anything even large portion of junk food [hot chips, burgers, pizzas, processed meat, cakes and biscuits etc.] but they never gain weight. What is the mystery behind this? This answer is simple. Its metabolism rates.

What are saying your Registered Dietitian?

Laura Burak MS, RD, CDN, USA Speaks, “If the metabolic rate is low, a variety of physical problems such as weight gain, digestive problems, weakness, etc. appear. So, it is necessary to pay attention to the metabolic rate to stay healthy.”

What is Metabolism?

This is the collection of some complex chemical reaction which occur in our body. Actually, all of the chemical reaction occurs in our body, they are collectively called metabolism. Metabolism is two Types

[]Catabolism and


It is well known as destructive metabolism. It mainly breakdown the large molecule and produce energy which is essential for all the activity of the living cell. It acts as the fuel for anabolism, helps the muscle to contract and the body to move.


Another name is constructive metabolism which main function is building and storing. In this process group of small molecules are combined to make large molecule such as protein, fat and carbohydrate.

So, it can be concluded hare that all type of living cellular activity is the part of metabolism. To perform this activity smoothly healthy metabolism process shall be maintained. Everybody didn’t possess healthy metabolic rate. When metabolism didn’t perform its activity then various type of syndrome arise called metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic Syndrome

This is the group of condition which raise the risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and other serious health problems. You may have metabolic syndrome if you have the following conditions at least three or more of them.

[]High blood sugar levels
[]Low HDL cholesterol
[]High blood pressure
[]Large waistline
[]High blood triglycerides

Its alarming that metabolic syndrome is common in the United States; 1 in 3 adults have metabolic syndrome.

Metabolism is partly genetic but large of it is own control. May be some people are really lucky that they have the high metabolism rate. They can eat more without gaining weight other are not possess slow metabolism though it’s very possible to increase metabolic rate with the help of natural products.

You can think about metabolism as you imagine your body as the car engine which is always in running mode. A certain amount of energy is required to run the engine. One thing for your body that the fuel source is calorie not gasoline. It’s the calorie which we found from different type of food and drink we consume every day. Some of your calorie is used to run your engine and some are stored in your body in the form of fat.

How fast your body’s engine run over the period of time then same number of calories your bun. If your metabolism rate is high [Fast] then you burn more calories during activity or resting condition. In this way you need more calories to maintain your metabolic rate.

As per recent discovery of University of Alberta in Canada, Every Overweight people contains high level of Toxic Lipid Molecules known as Ceramides. Ceramides force fat cells to spill into bloodstream after eating then the toxic fat accumulate around most of the vital organ like liver, pancreas, and heart & even in your arteries.

When your major organ are clogged with fat then your Metabolism slows and fat burring hormones almost shut down its activity. As a result, more fat store on hips, belly, back, buns, and thighs. To get rid of this unwanted situation, a suitable way shall be considered which can target ceramides and dissolve dangerous fat from around the organs very fast.

Person having low metabolic rate, will gain weight faster and having a high metabolic rate, will not gain weight even if eat more food because metabolic rate will burn more calories and the body will not be able to store them.

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