Why Do We Regain Weight?

For instance, let me assume that you have lost almost 20 pound of body fat after maintaining your diet plan over couple of months. If you are habituating in low calorie diet then your metabolism system will adjust its function and your hormone level will significantly down level.   For this case your body is […]

For instance, let me assume that you have lost almost 20 pound of body fat after maintaining your diet plan over couple of months. If you are habituating in low calorie diet then your metabolism system will adjust its function and your hormone level will significantly down level.


For this case your body is actually in starvation mode and you always feel that you possess no energy, always in sick mode and your body is so much greedy for nutrition which it was really deprived from last couple of months.


If you decided that you will maintain 1200 calories a day is your current maintenance level, where your calories-in is actually equal to calories-out. If you start eating 1700 calories a day then what happens?


At the beginning your body will start to adapt the condition and another 500 calories will store in different body parts and you will start to regain the fat again almost everyday (also depend on your physical activities). This is the fat that you didn’t like it to store and you wanted to lose it forever.


If you are dedicated and if you decided that you will spend 21 hours a week on a Treadmill, then you will lose and over the course of 26 weeks, you lost 31 pounds of fat. One second please, we have a honest question for you, Can you really spend 21 hours a week on your Treadmill and for the rest of your life. Big Question, it is.


If you really do that then keep up your cardio intervention for your life and maintain your weight. Okay, we are congratulating you that you have already become a Treadmill lover. Then various type of Treadmill is available in the market you can love it.


What is the solution?


There are couple of solutions are available, best of the beneficial process is to build up muscle and this is the easiest process to burn your fat. This process is more sustainable that another process. The first step is very simple just calculate the energy how much you want it. Then build your muscle. So why we build muscle? The answer is so simple.


The more interesting part of this answer is that your muscle will burn your calories while you are in rest. Very interesting. So, your duty is just to build your muscle then your muscle will do everything for you, it just gives and take process. Something is only to be obtained by something give in return. More muscle you build more your calories will burn.


Creatine is the best solution to build your muscle easily which backed by science. So, you can use Creatine without any confusion.



You muscle is actually very active. Anything of your body does this the result of your muscle and some other part activities. Muscle activity is must. There are three main types of muscle include skeletal, smooth and cardiac in our body.


This can be compared as the motor of the car. It is very much responsible for all types of activities. It even burns calories(gas) at idle condition. So, the process is very simple to burn your calories.

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