Why You aren’t Losing Fat?

There are various reasons why you are not losing fat, so let’s see what are the reasons why you are not losing fat-   Fat Burner This really difficult to burn your fat with exercise and without any change of your diet plan. A reliable natural supplement can help to burn your fat. Maintaining of […]

There are various reasons why you are not losing fat, so let’s see what are the reasons why you are not losing fat-


Fat Burner

This really difficult to burn your fat with exercise and without any change of your diet plan. A reliable natural supplement can help to burn your fat. Maintaining of healthy diet with regular exercise with natural fat burner can help you to lose your fat predominately.



Lack of Protein

Without thinking anything we are talking high carb food every day; at a certain period of time, we are storing more and more fat in our body then we think that Why I am so Fat other are not?

Taking a lot of high carbs food, you are going to store more calorie in your body; naturally higher carb intake can cause you to store more water on the other side protein require more water to digest and it can help you to remove fluid from your body.

Protein is a significant nutrient for losing weight. Daily protein Intake at least 25–30% of calories can boost metabolism by 80–100 calories per day. It requires more time to digest protein rich food so you automatically less intake several hundred fewer calories per day.

At the start of your day, make sure you are filled up with more protein lead to fewer cravings throughout the day.

To reduce appetite and burn more fat, try to Including more protein-rich foods in your diet. Several studies shown that eating more high-quality protein rich food associated with lower risk of body fat. One study also shown that high protein diet help to build body muscle and enhance metabolism during weight loss.


The best quality protein we can get from chicken, beef or fish and dairy products help to decrease appetite, lower calorie intake and preserve muscle mass.


High Calorie Food

Most of the people who are struggling with overweight and their internal body organ are encounter with huge fat simply they are eating too much calorie in each day. Calorie is needed for your body function but excess calorie is storing your body day by day and you’re going to store more and more fat. You may think that I am not of them but keep in mind that studies shown that most of the people can’t realize that they are eating more calories that they think.

Have you calculate ever that how much calorie your eating every day or how much calorie you should eat. If your body weight is 75 kilos then your calorie intake shall be as follows-

75 kilos x 25 calories = 1,875 calories a day.


This is the calorie count for you. Multiply your body weight by 25 then you will get your calorie intake amount. A standard American breakfast may contain omelette, eggs with bacon, ham or pork sausage and fried potatoes, pancakes and toast with butter and jam. You may take Naturally Enriched Tea or Coffee.


So how much calorie you are going to intake, lets calculate, breakfast omelette [154], eggs [155], with bacon[541/100gm], ham[145/100gm] or pork sausage[133/48gm] and fried potatoes [312/100gm, pancakes[227/100gm] and toast[313/100gm] with butter and jam. Total calories are about 1847 only in breakfast; what about lunch and dinner?

If you count your calories in same way for lunch and dinner then you will find you are eating more and more calories everyday in your subconscious mind. What is result for your extra calories? Your extra calories is gong to store at your different part of body organ and you are getting more fat day by day.


Processed Carb

Decrease your taking of processed carb; it can help you to lose extra fat. Processed carb are produced in several stages and the final product contain less amount of fiber and nutrients. Several studies found that processed carb is associated with increased Belly fat. Processed carb are hunger increaser due to its higher glycemic index which can cause spikes & crashes in blood sugar levels.


Refined carbs are sometimes called “empty” calories due to they are actually deprived from all type of fiber, vitamins & minerals. You can easily relace your processed carb foods [bagels, waffles & pastries, processed foods, pastas, Pizza, white rice, white breads, breakfast cereals] with whole grains [whole wheat, quinoa, buckwheat, barley, oats]. A whole grains food can help you to lower body mass index, body weight and smaller waist circumference. studies have shown that intake of processed carb food remarkably increase the risk of Belly fat.


Less Fiber Intake

Probably you are intake less fiber each day, all type of soluble fiber absorbs more water and move towards digestive tract more slowly and help you to feel fuller for a long time. Several studies shown that increasing your intake of high fiber foods protect from weight gain and accumulation of body fat.

A study already shown that for each 10gram increase of soluble fiber intake each day, it can lose more than 3.7% Belly fat over a 5 years period without any other change in diet or exercise.

Other studies found that increasing fiber intake promote feelings of fullness and decreased hunger in significant level. If you increase 14grams of fiber intake per day you can decrease your calorie intake up to 10%. This way you can lose about 2kg [4.4 pounds] of weight for a four-month period.

There are several high fiber foods which can boost weight loss & fat burning such as Fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds etc.


Extra Oil to Meal

Excessive amount of oil may help to increase taste of your meal but it causes various type of digestive problem like bloating, diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, Weight gain etc. If you take more greasy foods regularly then you are going to increase your weight gain & body Fat predominately due to high greasy food contains high calorie.

High calories and unhealthy fats foods are available around you such as chips, pizza, fries, doughnuts, beef, bacon, dairy, butter, lard, processed meats, mayonnaise etc.

Highly intake of these type of food can increase the risk of heart disease, weight gain, bloating, diarrhea, acne, impaired brain function obesity, diabetes etc.


Lack of Hydration

Drink a glass of water before meals to reduce your calorie intake. Drinking water also help to burn extra calories. Drink a glass of water may help to weight loss.

A 12-week weight loss study found that people who drank 17 ounces [half liter] of water before meal 30 minutes before meal lost about 44% or more than those who did not it. Drinking water also help to boost your calories burned up to 24–30% over a period of 1.5 hours.


Too Much Cardio

As per different fitness trainer they stated that prolonged, steady-rate cardio can reduce our body’s, or T3 hormone [Triiodothyronine] which is responsible for metabolism, and a reduction of this hormone cause the body enter a mode where it stores & gains more fat than usual.
Most of Strength training is an effective way to lose your body fat. It also prevents the loss of muscle mass which is associated with weight loss as well as long-term fat loss.

Lifting weights is the most popular resistance training; you can try it to lose weight. Lifting weight can also help you to increase your metabolic rate.



Less Quality Sleep

One of the study, over 68,183 women found that who slept 5 or fewer hours at night over 16 years are more likely to getting weight than who slept at least seven years at night. So going to bed a little bit earlier can boost your Fat burning and prevent weight gain. There is a relation between sufficient sleep and weight loss.


Another study found over 245 women slept at least seven hours at night loss weight more than 33%. This is the awesome result of sound sleep of night. Several research shows that lack of sleep may alter your hunger hormone and increase your appetite & high risk of obesity.

Studies show that poor sleep is the key point to increase obesity. Adult and children with poor sleep have chance almost 55% and 89% greater risk to develop obesity.

As per different studies and research at least 7 to 9 hours sleep is required for sound health and to prevent body weight. Stick to regular sleep and less use of electronic device during bed time may help your healthy sleep.

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